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The Rise Of Pina Colada
DUA DESIGNER LINE Inspiration: Rise by Akro Step into a world where the sun meets the sea, and every breeze whisper tales of tropical paradise. We’ve recreated Rise by Akro with DUA twist. The Rise Of Pina Colada is here...
$ 33.00
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Sweet Lemon Pastry
DUA DESIGNER LINE Inspiration: Bake by Akro Gourmand perfumes beckon us on account of their sweet and delicious nature. More often than not, they call to mind desserts that we enjoy on occasion or other sweet matters that we can...
$ 33.00
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Dark Cocoa
DUA DESIGNER LINE Inspiration: Dark by Akro Gourmand perfumes intoxicate us with their overly sweet aromas. Ingredients such as Chocolate and Vanilla are commonly used in perfumes, so it takes a special release to keep the combination interesting and original....
$ 33.00

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